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finding it

The One with the Seeking Her Cover


It’s time for a new cover reveal!
FINDING IT has been out just over a month and some of you might be feeling a little bit like this…
The good news for you for you Jackson Hunt fans is that you haven’t seen the last of him! On January 28th, there is a novella releasing from his point of view!
It’s a sort of prequel. It starts a few weeks before the opening of Finding It, and then overlaps with the beginning of that book. So you’ll get both new content and a few Finding It scenes from his pov.
Here’s the official copy:
SEEKING HER by Cora Carmack
A few months after being honorably discharged from the military, Jackson Hunt is still struggling to adjust back to the real world. He needs to get a job and find a sense of normalcy if he’s going to keep his own demons at bay. The job that falls into his lap, though, is anything but normal.

Bodyguard (and baby-sitter) to spoiled-rich-girl Kelsey Summers isn’t exactly what he’d been looking for, but it’s a chance to travel, to get away from the home that has felt stifling ever since his return. It would be a pretty sweet gig if it weren’t for the fact that Kelsey’s father doesn’t want Kelsey to know she’s being followed. Hunt feels guilty (and a little bit creepy) as he watches her from afar. She’s vibrant and infuriating, exciting and reckless, mysterious and familiar. When he sees her falling into the same patterns that he suffered years ago, he decides it’s time to stop watching and help her instead. But getting to know her is more difficult than he thought, especially because the more he knows her, the more he wants her.


ISN’T IT SO PRETTY? I love the colors and Kelsey, and everything about it.


The One Where You Don’t Need a Golden Ticket

So, since the release of Finding It, I’ve heard much lamenting about the super special “Golden Ticket” versions of Finding It. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, give this a read.

I’ve heard epic tales of people searching as many as EIGHT Target stores trying to find those rare copies that would earn them a chance to have their name (or a name of their choice) in one of my future books. So far, I’ve only heard of one special copy that’s been found. I have been so impressed and flattered by everyone’s mad searching. And after talking to my editor and publicists, we decided to do something a little special. A wildcard “Golden Ticket” if you will.

We wanted to give everyone a shot to win their name in a book, not just those who live near a Target Store. We wanted to open this up to people who’ve bought the book from other stores, or were unable to find a golden ticket copy, or who maybe live outside the US.

So, if you’re interested in having your name in one of my books, this contest is for you! 

(That’s me in Prague being a nerd on a playground. A playground that might sound familiar if you’ve read Chapter 14). 
Okay, here’s the deal:
Step One: Buy a copy of the book. This can be a print copy or an e-book copy on your e-reader (though a print copy will be more conducive to this task). 
Step Two: Take a picture of the book (or your e-reader with the book cover showing) in some place weird, wacky, or wonderful. It can be someplace you think Kelsey and Jackson should visit someday. Or it can just be someplace silly that will make people laugh. GET CREATIVE. 
Step Three: Send me your picture in an email to findingfindingit(at)gmail(dot)com with a short description that includes the location and an explanation of the picture and why you chose to “find it” there. NOTE: You MUST send me your picture by 12PM EDT on TUESDAY, OCT 22ND. So, don’t delay! Get those pictures in fast. There is a limit of TWO pictures per person. If you send in more than two, the first two sent will be used and the rest deleted. 
Step Four: On Wednesday, October 23rd, I will post all of the submitted photos in an album on my facebook fanpage. Whichever photo has the most likes on Sunday October 27th at 11:59 EDT, will be the winner! Whoever submitted the winning photo will have a character named after them in a future book. AND… you’ll get a twenty minute Skype visit with me to ask me whatever questions you want. It will also give me a chance to get to know you, so I can get inspired for your character. 😉
That’s it! Take a picture. Email it. Spread the word to gain likes. 
Here are some things to keep in mind: 
  • The photos most likely to get the most likes will be the most unique and creative ones in the bunch. So, think outside the box. 
  • We’ll be posting your photo description along with the photo, so it doesn’t hurt to get creative with that, too. 
  • You’re welcome to be in the photo if you want, but you certainly don’t have to. 
  • Any photos submitted after 12PM EDT on Tuesday WILL NOT be accepted. No matter how awesome they are. 
  • The photos will be posted all at the same time on my page, so they’ll all get the same amount of time and start on equal footing. 
  • Any edition of Finding It (print or ebook) is eligible to win. 
I’m looking forward to see what cool pictures you guys come up with!